IIt can be difficult to navigate with all the terms found in the world of inflatable paddle board, iSUP, SUP, stand up paddle, standup paddle, paddle, paddle board or paddleboard. natur sup natursup
Here is a list of the different terms most used in this field:
Fin : Set of fins.
Side fins: Located on the underside of the board, near thetail, the fins appear symmetrically on each side of thederivativemain and are used to keep the trajectory.
all around : Board with a rounded nose and sufficient width, all All Around boards are designed to perform well in most conditions. Our boardLOTUSis an example.
board bag : also calledtransport bag. Storage bag for a boardSUP.
US box: Box under a board ofSUPused to insert and retain thederivativemain using abolt and a nut.
Bottom : Underside of aSUP.
valve cap : Cover of thevalveinflatable of aSUPto prevent sand or water from entering thevalve.
Bolt: Small screw and nut that are used to secure thederivativemain under the board in aUS box.
bumps : Another term for waves or swell that can be caught by your surfboard.SUPand used to propel you to a faster speed.
bungee : also calledelastic. Section of bungee cord that is attached to thenoseor at thetailof your board to allow the transport of your items such as yourwaterproof bag, yourPFDor other items.
Hull : Part below a board ofstand up paddlewhich is in contact with water.
carry-handle : also calledhandle. Integrated handle to facilitate the transport of your board.
wrestling : also calledsocket. 1st phase of the paddle stroke where thepaleenters the water. The purpose of taking is to establish atractionefficient.
Race: Complete cycle of your paddle stroke including these 4 phases:grip, pull, exitandrecovery.
Blows per side : Number of moves made per side before having to change sides. A board with aracehigher per side is a board that tracks better in a straight line than a board with araceweaker.
Safety Strap: Device that attaches the paddler's ankle to the back of hispaddle boarddesigned not to lose it in the event of a fall. An excellent safety device that should be used in all conditions. We recommend spiral belts which will prevent you from getting caught in objects that may be found under water.
Cruise : Paddling in calmer waters, usually at a relaxed pace.
Crossover : Board designed for paddling in various conditions.
Cruising : also calledcruise. Paddling in calmer waters, usually at a relaxed pace.
Deck : also calledbridge. Upper part of a boardstand-up paddling.
deck-pad : also calledcarpet. MaterialEVAsoft and textured covering thebridgeof a boardstand up paddleto provide grip, traction and comfort. Thecarpetmay vary in length, texture and thickness.
Derivative:Finmain of a board ofSUP. It comes in many different shapes and styles and is designed to give your board the ability to paddle in a straight line.
Drop Stitch : also calledmesh. Internal fibers or threads that connect the upper part orbridge and lower orhullof oneSUPinflatable.
Dry Bag : also calledwaterproof bag. Essential accessory to keep your personal items dry, such as a cell phone, key or wallet. thewaterproof bagfits easily under theelasticof your board. You will find an example ofwaterproof baghere.
Flat waters : Generally refers to all water conditions that are inside the surf zone where the waves are breaking. Flat water doesn't have to be completely flat, it can also be choppy.
Elastic: Section of elastic rope that is attached to thenoseor at thetailof your board to allow the transport of your items such as your sac waterproof, yourPFDor other items.
EVA : Acronym ofEthylene-HAScetate ofVinyl. Soft, textured material that mostcarpetare made to provide grip, traction and comfort when paddling. Thecarpetmay vary in length, texture and thickness.
FCS : Acronym ofFinVScontrolSsystem. Quick easy fin installation system without screws and without tools.
fin slot : Box where a fin is fixed under the board, with or without the help of aboltand nut
End : also calledfins. Located on the underside of the board, near thetail, fins come in many different shapes and styles and are designed to give your board the ability to paddle in a straight line.
End Box : also calledfin slot. Box where a fin attaches under the board, with or without the aid of aboltand nut
End Screw : also calledbolt. Small screw and nut that are used to secure thederivativeunder the board.
SUP-fishing : also calledSUP for fishing.paddle boardto fish like our modelSAKANAwith its dimensions of 13'0'' x 36'' x 6'' and its 2 fishing rod holders.
Fixed Length Paddle:PaddleofSUPwhich is not adjustable in length.
Flatwater: also calledstill waters. Generally refers to all water conditions that are inside the surf zone where the waves are breaking. Flat water doesn't have to be completely flat, it can also be choppy.
Foam : also calledmousse. Material from which the core of most rigid boards are constructed.
Merger: Lamination process of the 2 layers ofPVC of which most quality boards are made, thus avoiding the use of glue in the process, thus bringing lightness.
glide: also calledslip. Used to refer to how a board moves through water.
slip: Used to refer to the way a board moves through the water.
Handle: also calledcarry handle. An integrated handle to allow easy transport of your board. Can also be used to refer to thehandleor theoliveof onepaddle.
iSUP : Acronym ofInflatableSwhileUpPadd. Refers to an inflatable paddle board.
Kook : A paddler or surfer who is a danger to others, either through reckless behavior or ignorance of etiquette. Kooks should be avoided, and it's best to avoid being one.
Laird : First name of Laird Hamilton, considered the pioneer ofSUPmodern having grown up and living in Hawaii.
Leave alone : also called safety strap.Device that attaches the paddler's ankle to the back of hispaddle boarddesigned not to lose it in the event of a fall. An excellent safety device that should be used in all conditions. We recommend spiral belts which will prevent you from getting caught in objects that may be found under water.
Lenght : Distance measurementrailatrailof a boardSUP, at the widest points.
Leashes: also calledleave alone. Device that attaches the paddler's ankle to the back of hispaddle boarddesigned not to lose it in the event of a fall. An excellent safety device that should be used in all conditions. We recommend spiral belts which will prevent you from getting caught in objects that may be found under water.
Length : also calledlength. Measurement ofnoseto thetailof a board. Also, the measurement of a paddle from the bottom of thepaleup theolive.
Length : Measurement ofnoseto thetailof a board. Also, the measurement of a paddle from the bottom of thepaleup theolive.
Mesh : Internal fibers or wires that connect the top orbridge and lower orhullof oneSUPinflatable.
Mesh in X : New process of fibers or internal threads in X that connect the upper part orbridge and lower orhullof oneSUPinflatable ensuring a stiffer board.
Sleeve : Section of apaddlebetween theoliveand thepale.
Manometer: Device installed on thepumpused to measure the air pressure of aSUPinflatable.
Mousse : Material from which the core of most hardboards are constructed.
MSL : Acronym ofMonococcusSstructuralLaminate, also calledmerger
Nose : Front part of a stand up paddle board.
nose : also callednose. Front part of a stand up paddle board.
Olive : Can also be used to refer to thehandleof onepaddle.
Pad : also calledcarpet. MaterialEVAsoft and textured covering thebridgeof a boardstand up paddleto provide grip, traction and comfort. Thecarpetmay vary in length, texture and thickness.
Paddle : also calledpaddle. Accessory that is hand-held and used to propel you on a paddle board.
Paddle board : Sport practiced at sea and which consists of using a board specially designed to row and move using the arms, in a prone or kneeling position. It should not be confused with le stand up paddlewhich is practiced standing with apaddle.
Paddle : Accessory that is hand-held and used to maneuver and propel you on apaddle board.
Adjustable paddle :PaddleofSUPadjustable to different lengths to accommodate paddlers of different heights.
Pale : Flat section of apaddlewhich engages in the water to create forward motion.
paddle board : Thestand up paddlealso namedSUPor more rarely paddleboarding, is a nautical sliding sport where the practitioner stands up (stand up in English) on a longer board than a classic surfboard and is specially designed to navigate standing up in calm water or on the waves by propelling oneself using a paddle.
Handle : also calledcarry handle. An integrated handle to allow easy transport of your board. Can also be used to refer to theoliveof onepaddle.
Carry handle : Built-in handle for easy carrying and transportation of yourplank.
Pump : What is used to inflate apaddle boardinflatable.
Bridge : Upper part of a boardstand up paddleon which you are standing.
Scope: Forward stretch in a strokepaddlebefore thepaledoes not enter the water (calledsocketWherecatch).
Power : also calledPowerful. Part oftractionsuddenlypaddle.
Socket: 1st phase of the coup depaddlewhere thepaleenters the water. The purpose of taking is to establish atractionefficient.
Powerful : Part oftractionsuddenlypaddle.
PVC : Acronym ofVSchloride ofPolyVinyl, a plastic material whosepaddle boardsinflatable are designed.
Tail : Rear part of aplankofstand up paddle.
SUP race : also calledracing SUP.paddle boardnarrower and longer than other paddle board models designed for speed such as our models SAMUI,SAMURAIor LUMPUR.
Tracks : Sides of apaddle boardwhich go fromnoseto thetail.
reach: also calledscope. Forward stretch in a strokepaddlebefore thepaledoes not enter the water (calledsocketWherecatch).
Recovery : 4th and last phase of arace according to that of theexitwhere thepaddleis advanced to start a newrace. The objective of the recovery: to prepare the following movement, thesocket.
Release: also calledexit. 3rd phase of arace where the paddler removes his paddle water. The objective of the exit is to minimize the braking on the forward movement of theSUP.
Rigid : Plank constructionSUPwhich is not inflatable.
Rocking : Measurement of the underside curve of a boardSUP, under thenoseor thetail.
Transport bag : Storage cover for a boardSUP.
Waterproof bag: Essential accessory to keep your personal items dry, such as a cell phone, key or wallet. The waterproof bag stores easily under theelasticof your board. You will find an example of a waterproof baghere.
shaft : also calledsleeve. Section of apaddlebetween theoliveand thepale.
side end : also calledfins lateral. Located on the underside of the board, near thetail, themfinsare presented symmetrically on each side of thederivativemain.
Skeg: also calledderivative. Main fin of a boardSUPlocated near thetail, under the board. It comes in many different shapes and styles and is designed to give your board the ability to paddle in a straight line.
Exit: 3rd phase of arace where the paddler removes his paddle water. The purpose of the exit is to minimize braking on the forward motion of the board.
stroke: also calledrace. Complete cycle of your shotpaddleincluding these 4 phases:grip, pull, exitandrecovery.
Stroke Rate: also calledstroke rate. Number of shotspaddleover a period, usually measured per minute
Strokes Per Side: also calledshots per side. Number of strokes made per side before having to change sides. A board with aracehigher per side is a board that tracks better in a straight line than a board with araceweaker.
Stand Up Paddle :paddle board.
SUP : Acronym ofSwhileUpPadd.
racing SUP : paddle boardnarrower and longer than other paddle board models designed for speed such as our models SAMUI,SAMURAIor LUMPUR.
SUP for fishing:paddle boardto fish like our modelSAKANAwith its dimensions of 13'0'' x 36'' x 6'' and its 2 fishing rod holders.
SUP Surfing : Surfing the waves, on a surfboardstand up paddle.
SUP Yoga : Action of practicing yoga on a boardstand up paddleor on an inflatable mattress such as our modelsNUSAandLEMBONGAN.
Tail : also calledtail. Rear part of a boardstand up paddle.
Carpet : MaterialEVAsoft and textured covering thebridgeof a boardstand up paddleto provide grip, traction and comfort. Thecarpetmay vary in length, texture and thickness.
Hit rate: Number of shotspaddleover a period, usually measured per minute.
Tip : also callednose. Front part of a boardstand up paddle.
Touring board : Plank shapeSUPdesigned to cover more distance at faster speed. Easily distinguished by displacement, ornosemore pointed, and its length generally longer. Our boardsACADIAN,ZEN,CARPE DIEM,CHAKRA, ENERGY WhereBUDDHAare examples.
Tracking: also calledtraction. 2nd phase of therace, the measure of how well a paddleboard travels a straight line. You want to maximize theracesper side, rather than constantly changing. The purpose of the pull is to propel the board forward by pulling the body with la paddle.
Traction: 2nd phase of therace, the measure of how well a paddleboard travels a straight line. You want to maximize theracesper side, rather than constantly changing. The purpose of the pull is to propel the board forward by pulling the body with la paddle.
UV : Ultraviolet light which is best to minimize exposure to your board when not in use.
US BOX: Also calledUS case. Box under a board ofSUPused to insert and retain thederivativemain using aboltand a nut.
Valve : Part to which the pipe of thepumpconnects to aSUPinflatable to inflate.
Valve Cap : also calledvalve cap. Cover of thevalveinflatable of a SUP to prevent sand or water from entering thevalve.
PFD : Acronym ofVeast ofFsubdivisionIindividual. Equipment designed to keep a paddler afloat in the event of a fall from their board.
Volume : Measurement of water displacement, which is generally used to determine the weight of people that a boardSUPcan support.
Width : also calledlenght. Distance measurementrailatrailof a boardSUP, at the widest points.
Wind SUP : Board on which a mast can be inserted to allow the use of a windsurf sail.
X-Woven dropstitch : also calledmesh in X. New process of fibers or internal threads in X that connect the upper part orbridge and lower orhullof oneSUPinflatable ensuring a stiffer board.